Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (2024)

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Hammond, LA

Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (3)



2010-Sep-10 10:41 am

Interwebz Requests

If anyone needs anything copied and pasted from WoWhead or something, let me know, I'm not at work today, so I have real internets. Kthxbai.

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 10:41 am ·

Tampa, FL

Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (5)



2010-Sep-10 10:49 am

Hey there, get back to work!

Or...I know Captain was working on it, but is there a comprehensive list of the Hunter pet abilities?

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 10:49 am ·

Hammond, LA

Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (7)



2010-Sep-10 10:52 am

said by Beartrap8:

Hey there, get back to work!

Or...I know Captain was working on it, but is there a comprehensive list of the Hunter pet abilities?

Blizzard Class Previews
We are also changing many pet family abilities to provide important buffs and debuffs. The intention is to allow the hunter to be able to swap pets and fill a position if a certain role is missing from the group. The goal is to have all pets provide a damage increase that is very similar and no greater than any other pet. Some examples of the changes we are making to the pet families are listed below:

* Wind Serpents: Will provide a debuff that increases the amount of spell damage taken by an enemy (similar to a weaker version of the warlock ability Curse of Elements).
* Ravagers: Will provide a debuff that will increase an enemy's Physical damage vulnerability (similar to a weaker version of the warrior ability Blood Frenzy).
* Hyenas: Will provide bleed damage (similar to a weaker version of the druid ability Mangle).

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 10:52 am ·


Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (8)



2010-Sep-10 10:56 am

Omg, Aspect of the Fox
The hunter takes on the aspects of a fox, increasing your focus regeneration by 20% and allows you to Auto-shot while moving.
Instant, 1 sec cooldown

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 10:56 am ·

Tampa, FL

Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (10)



2010-Sep-10 11:10 am

Will this aspect make it into the game? I thought it was going to be removed.

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 11:10 am ·

Hammond, LA

Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (12)



2010-Sep-10 11:12 am

Not sure. I hope so!

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 11:12 am ·

Texan and Proud
Premium Member
Baytown, TX

Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (14)


Premium Member

2010-Sep-10 11:21 am

they did say they want to make it easier to dps on the move (ok they worded it differantly)

so this sounds like part of it
I also saw a glyph or talent that would allow scortch while moving

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 11:21 am ·

Alexandria, VA

2 edits

Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (16)

CpnObvious to Phantasee


2010-Sep-10 11:47 am

to Phantasee

AotF was changed last push to be "gains focus upon melee damage and allows steady/cobra shot while moving." Of course, they could have changed it again this push, I was in Hawk for the target dummy runs this morning.

Hey Phan, can you tell me what's the minimum skill level to create Savage Armor Kits? The info may not be up yet, since IGM Leatherworking just got released this morning, but a lot of people had asked me how high their LW had to be to start in on Cata patterns.

The other question I have is what the masteries for Marksman Spec are this build; I know SV changed from last build; BM looked the same, but I can't remember precisely if MM changed or not.

Thanks in advance whether the info's available or not. Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (17)

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 11:47 am ·

Hammond, LA

Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (19)



2010-Sep-10 12:19 pm

I think this is the current mastery, Marksmanship – Grants a 16% chance for your ranged attacks to also instantly fire an additional ranged shot for 80% normal damage. Chance increased further by mastery rating.

Didn't find the kit info, yet.

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 12:19 pm ·


Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (20)



2010-Sep-10 12:22 pm


Beast Mastery: Master of Beasts - Increases the damage done by your pets by 20%. Damage increased further by mastery rating.
Marksmanship: Wild Quiver - Grants a 16% chance for your ranged attacks to also instantly fire an additional ranged shot for 80% normal damage. Chance increased further by mastery rating.
Survival: One With Nature - Increases all elemental damage you deal by 20%. Damage increased further by mastery rating.

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 12:22 pm ·

Premium Member
Cary, NC

warcraft Rottfang

Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (22)

stvnbrs to Phantasee

Premium Member

2010-Sep-10 12:23 pm

to Phantasee

so with a mangle buff provided by a hunter pet (if a kitty can be that lucky) it doesn't matter what level it is, just so long as the buff is up. Although a kitty would be screwed either way with 4pT11 as they need to currently mangle to take care of the damage increase. This is definately interesting though.

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 12:23 pm ·

Hammond, LA

Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (24)



2010-Sep-10 12:33 pm

Here is some guild achievements from MMOChampion:
Guild Achievements
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment

Guild - General

* Crittergeddon (WIP) - Kill 100,000 critters
* That's a Lot of Travel Time - Complete 50,000 quests.
* A Daily Routine - Complete 50,000 daily quests.
* The Daily Grind (WIP) - Complete 100,000 quests.

Guilds - PvP

* Now That's Teamwork - Win 1000 Rated Battlegrounds while in a guild group.
* Stick Together Team - Win 2000 Rated Battlegrounds while in a guild group.
* Stick Together Team - Win 2000 Rated Battlegrounds while in a guild group.
* The Perfect Guild Storm - Win a rated Eye of the Storm match with a score of 1600 to 0 while in a guild raid.
* Guild Gulch - Win a rated Warsong Gulch match with a score of 3 to 0 while in a guild raid.
* The Buddy System - Win 500 arena matches with a team composed of guild members.
* Killing With Friends - Win 1000 arena matches with a team composed entirely of guild members.

Guilds - Professions

* Gemcrafter Extrodinare - Cut 25,000 gems of at least superior quality. (Old - Cut 10,000 gems.)
* Master Crafter - Craft 1,500 Epic items with an item level of at least 359. (Old - Craft 1,000 Epic items.)
* That's A Lot of Bait - Catch 50,000 fish from fishing pools.
* We're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat - Catch 100,000 fish from fishing pools.

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 12:33 pm ·


Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (25)



2010-Sep-10 12:37 pm

Tier 11 Set Bonuses
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment

Death Knight (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Item - Death Knight T11 Blood 2P Bonus - Increases the damage done by your Death Strike ability by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Death Knight T11 Blood 4P Bonus - Increases the duration of your Icebound Fortitude ability by 50%. / Instant
* Item - Death Knight T11 DPS 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Death Coil and Frost Strike abilities by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Death Knight T11 DPS 4P Bonus - Each time you gain a Death Rune, you also gain 1% increased attack power for 30 sec. Stacks up to 3 times. / Instant

Druid (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Item - Druid T11 Restoration 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of the periodic portion of your Lifebloom spell by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Druid T11 Restoration 4P Bonus - Whenever you have Lifebloom stacked to its maximum of 3 applications on its target, you gain 540 Spirit. / Instant
* Item - Druid T11 Balance 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Insect Swarm and Moonfire spells by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Druid T11 Balance 4P Bonus - Whenever Eclipse triggers, your critical strike chance with spells is increased by 99% for 8 sec. Each critical strike you achieve reduces that bonus by 33%. / Instant
* Item - Druid T11 Feral 2P Bonus - Increases the periodic damage done by your Rake and Lacerate abilities by 10%. / Instant
* Item - Druid T11 Feral 4P Bonus - Each time you use Mangle (Cat) you gain a 1% increase to attack power for 30 sec stacking up to 3 times, and the duration of your Survival Instinct ability is increased by 50%. / Instant

Hunter (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Item - Hunter T11 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Serpent Sting ability by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Hunter T11 4P Bonus - Your Focus Fire ability grants 1% additional haste per application of Frenzy, your Chimera Shot ability has a 10% chance to immediately refund half its focus cost, and your Black Arrow also deals instant damage to your target. / Instant

Mage (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Item - Mage T11 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of Arcane Missiles, Ice Lance, and Pyroblast by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Mage T11 4P Bonus - Reduces the cast time of Arcane Blast, Fireball, Frostfire Bolt, and Frostbolt by 10%. / Instant

Paladin (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Item - Paladin T11 Retribution 2P Bonus - Increases the damage done by your Templar's Verdict ability by 10%. / Instant
* Item - Paladin T11 Retribution 4P Bonus - Your Inquisition ability's duration is calculated as if you had one additional Holy Power. / Instant
* Item - Paladin T11 Protection 2P Bonus - Increases the damage done by your Crusader Strike ability by 10%. / Instant
* Item - Paladin T11 Protection 4P Bonus - Increases the duration of your Guardian of Ancient Kings ability by 50%. / Instant
* Item - Paladin T11 Holy 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Holy Light spell by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Paladin T11 Holy 4P Bonus - Whenever your Holy Radiance spell is active, you gain 1620 Spirit. / Instant

Priest (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Item - Priest T11 Healer 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Heal spell by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Priest T11 Healer 4P Bonus - Each time your Penance spell heals a target with Weakened Soul you gain 540 Spirit for 10 sec, and being in a Chakra state grants you 540 Spirit for the duration of the Chakra. / Instant
* Item - Priest T11 Shadow 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Mind Flay and Mind Sear spells by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Priest T11 Shadow 4P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Shadowy Apparitions by 30%. / Instant

Rogue (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Item - Rogue T11 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Backstab Mutilate, and Sinister Strike abilities by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Rogue T11 4P Bonus - Each of your melee autoattacks has a 1% chance to activate Deadly Scheme for 15 sec, increasing the critical strike chance on your next Eviscerate or Envenom by 100%. / Instant

Shaman (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Item - Shaman T11 Restoration 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Healing Wave spell by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Shaman T11 Restoration 4P Bonus - Grants 540 Spirit for 6 sec after you cast Riptide / Instant
* Item - Shaman T11 Enhancement 2P Bonus - Increases damage done by your Lava Lash and Stormstrike abilities by 10%. / Instant
* Item - Shaman T11 Enhancment 4P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Lightning Bolt spell by 10%. / Instant
* Item - Shaman T11 Elemental 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Flame Shock spell by 10%. / Instant
* Item - Shaman T11 Elemental 4P Bonus - Reduces the cast time of your Lightning Bolt spell by 10%. / Instant

Warlock (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Item - Warlock T11 2P Bonus - Reduces the cast time of your Chaos Bolt, Hand of Gul'dan, and Haunt spells by 10%. / Instant
* Item - Warlock T11 4P Bonus - Periodic damage from your Immolate and Unstable Affliction spells has a 2% chance to cause your next Fel Flame spell to have a 100% increased critical strike chance. / Instant

Warrior (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Item - Warrior T11 DPS 2P Bonus - Increases the damage done by your Bloodthirst and Mortal Strike abilities by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Warrior T11 DPS 4P Bonus - Each time you use Overpower or Raging Blow you gain a 1% increase to attack power for 30 sec stacking up to 3 times. / Instant
* Item - Warrior T11 Protection 2P Bonus - Increases the damage done by your Shield Slam ability by 5%. / Instant
* Item - Warrior T11 Protection 4P Bonus - Increases the duration of your Shield Wall ability by 50%. / Instant

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 12:37 pm ·

Tampa, FL

Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (27)

Beartrap8 to Phantasee


2010-Sep-10 12:46 pm

to Phantasee

If there are any profession posts please supply.

Thanks for helping pass the Friday!

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 12:46 pm ·

Alexandria, VA

Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (29)

CpnObvious to stvnbrs


2010-Sep-10 12:58 pm

to stvnbrs

said by stvnbrs:

so with a mangle buff provided by a hunter pet (if a kitty can be that lucky) it doesn't matter what level it is, just so long as the buff is up. Although a kitty would be screwed either way with 4pT11 as they need to currently mangle to take care of the damage increase. This is definately interesting though.

The one thing I'd caution (and I don't know this to be true) is that many of the hunter pet debuffs have low uptimes (example, fox's thunderclap-mimic appears to be 8 seconds uptime out of 45 based on anecdotal comments.)

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 12:58 pm ·


Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (30)

CpnObvious to Phantasee


2010-Sep-10 1:03 pm

to Phantasee

said by Phantasee:


Beast Mastery: Master of Beasts - Increases the damage done by your pets by 20%. Damage increased further by mastery rating.
Marksmanship: Wild Quiver - Grants a 16% chance for your ranged attacks to also instantly fire an additional ranged shot for 80% normal damage. Chance increased further by mastery rating.
Survival: One With Nature - Increases all elemental damage you deal by 20%. Damage increased further by mastery rating.

Hmmm. Ok, that may be dated. The survival one doesn't appear to match the SV talent pane mastery overview, so I'm suspicious it may be old data. I'll update on it after I get home today.

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 1:03 pm ·

Hammond, LA

Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (32)



2010-Sep-10 1:11 pm

Ah, that was from MMOChampion.

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 1:11 pm ·


Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (33)



2010-Sep-10 1:15 pm

Any site you guys can recommend for the latest info other than the official WoW site?

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 1:15 pm ·


Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (34)



2010-Sep-10 1:25 pm

Double Rainbow - Perform a /gasp emote under the double rainbow in the Battle For Gilneas. LOLOL!

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 1:25 pm ·


Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (35)



2010-Sep-10 1:28 pm

Today we're covering the changes being made to Ashenvale in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm as the Warsong Outriders and the Silverwing Sentinels continue to vie for domination of the region. Quest designers Eric Maloof and Steve Burke sat down with us to discuss what it's been like iterating on a familiar yet evolving Kalimdor territory.

Q. What was the original concept for the zone?

A. The concept for Ashenvale was to show the effects of the Cataclysm while taking the opportunity to streamline the zone's level design. There were areas of Ashenvale that were pretty unfriendly in terms of accessibility and quest flow. The level designers and quest designers worked together to alleviate the problem areas and highlight the big changes.

Q. Who will be using this zone (what levels/factions)?

A.Both Horde and Alliance players, roughly from levels 20–25. We anticipate that this will be a well-traveled zone in terms of general player flow.

Q. Without giving up any spoilers, what's the general storyline for this zone? How has it changed from the original design?

A. Among other catastrophes, an enormous volcano has erupted in central Ashenvale. As the night elves struggle to deal with the chaos caused by the Cataclysm, the Horde is seizing what it perceives to be a golden opportunity. Garrosh Hellscream's forces are now bearing down upon the night elves and have overtaken several key positions that once served as Alliance strongholds. There is a definite feeling that the balance of power in this region now teeters on a goblin tripwire….

These changes also mean that Horde players will have much more to do in Ashenvale.

Q. What do you think is the most exciting new feature of the zone?

A.Visually, it has to be the volcano. It's stunning, and it provides a great landmark in a place otherwise known for its dense forest. Thematically, the tension present in the zone gives it a whole new feel. The Horde is barricaded inside the walls of Splintertree Post under a massive assault by the night elves and their allies. Meanwhile, Astranaar is desperately fighting off waves of Hellscream's forces. Practically everywhere you go in Ashenvale, it's impossible to escape the fact that it has become a warzone.

Q.What goes into redesigning a zone like this?

A.A bit more than meets the eye, we think. Ashenvale is deceptively large, and previously there were many issues in terms of quest flow and Horde/Alliance content balance. Soon after we rolled up our sleeves and broke ground, we realized that our work was cut out for us. There were numerous quests we wanted to keep, but there were also a great many that no longer fit or didn't play out efficiently. We also needed to create a variety of new quests, especially ones "For the Horde"™.

Q. What was the most challenging aspect about implementing these changes?

A. It can actually be a bit tougher to come in and "do surgery" to an existing zone than it is to completely gut it and start from scratch. Given our ambitious time constraints, trying to determine what stays, what goes, and what other changes to make is certainly a challenge.

Q. What should players do or go see first?

A.Horde players should visit the Mor'shan Rampart first. There's a new Horde contingent there who is fighting hard to make sure that no night elves escape Hellscream's onslaught -- not that they'd make it far into the Northern Barrens! Alliance players who come down from Darkshore will want to help defend Maestra's Post and Astranaar as both settlements struggle to keep from falling under Hellscream's control.

Q. Who seems to have the upper hand in the zone: the Horde, the Alliance, or the elementals?

A.The Horde and the Alliance are throwing themselves at each other on many fronts; neither has a clear upper hand here. The elementals in Ashenvale are a minor nuisance in comparison to the faction struggle.

Q. Should we expect any changes within Blackfathom Deeps?

A.There are no significant changes planned for Blackfathom Deeps at this time.

Q.What has happened to Silverwind Refuge?

A.The Horde has happened!

Q. What has changed the most: the storyline or the terrain?

A.The amount of change has been pretty equal between storyline and terrain. The terrain is much less frustrating than before, and the visual results of the Cataclysm tell the story as much as the quests do. Story-wise, the theme hasn't changed so much as its intensity has.

Thanks, Eric and Steve, for taking the time to tell us about the work you've done to evolve a classic zone in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm!

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 1:28 pm ·


Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (36)



2010-Sep-10 1:35 pm

A new build of the beta has just been deployed, implementing some of the changes the developers discussed during the recently concluded chat on Twitter, as well as a slew of new spells and abilities. There are no official patch notes yet -- and it may take a while considering this is merely a beta build -- but Nihilum has cobbled together some of the confirmed changes and put them up as a work in progress. Everything is still being collated at this point, so keep checking this post for updates. Here are some of the interesting points from the patch so far:

* Holy Power for paladins has been implemented
* New talent trees are up
* Warriors get their own version of Consecrate

Check out the rest of the changes after the jump.

Class changes

Death Knight

* Dark Simulacrum - Cooldown reduced to 1 minute from 2 minutes, now costs 20 Runic power, up from 0.




* Fungal Growth - NYI tag removed.
* Improved Eclipse - When you critically hit with Starfire, you have a % chance of increasing damage done by Wrath by 0%. When you critically hit with Wrath, you have a ${*0.6}% chance of increasing your critical strike chance with Starfire by 0%. Each effect lasts 45 sec and each has a separate 30 sec cooldown. Both effects cannot occur simultaneously.(Talent, ) Effect length increased.



Beast Mastery

* Beastmastery Hunter - Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting Steady Shot, Cobra Shot, and Volley by 70%.(Instant cast, )


* Slow Fall - Now earned at level 32 instead of 26.
* Mana Shield - Now earned at level 46 instead of 52.
* Mage Armor - Now earned at level 68 instead of 64.
* Conjure Mana Gem - Now earned at level 48 instead of 46.
* Arcane Intellect - Now earned at level 52 instead of 48.
* Arcane Explosion - Now earned at level 58 instead of 56.


* Scorch - Now earned at level 26 instead of 32.
* Molten Armor - Now earned at level 64 instead of 54.
* Frostfire Bolt - Now earned at level 56 instead of 68.
* Dragon's Breath - Now earned at level 1.
* Living Bomb - Now earned at level 1.
* Combustion - Now earned at level 1.
* Blast Wave - Now earned at level 1.


* Frostbolt - Now learned at level 7 instead of 8.
* Frost Nova - Now learned at level 8 instead of 9.
* Frost Armor - Now earned at level 54 instead of 7.
* Ice Barrier -Now earned at level 1.
* Deep Freeze - Now earned at level 1.
* Cold Snap - Now earned at level 1.


* Speed of Light - Casting Holy Shock grants 5/10/30?% spell haste for your next Flash of Light, Holy Light or Divine Light, and casting Healing Hands grants you 10/20/60?% movement speed for $85497d. Also lowers the cooldown on Healing Hands by 10/20/30 sec at all times.
* Denounce - You have a $h% chance when any of your Holy spells get a critical effect to make your next Exorcism spell instant and cost no mana.
* Tower of Radiance (NYI) - Directly healing the target of your Beacon of Light has a % chance to generate Holy Power.
* Light of Dawn - Send a wave of healing energy before you, healing all friendly targets up to 30 yards away for $s1.


* Divine Sacrifice - now Divine Guardian, simply reduces damage taken by raid members in the area by 20% for the duration.
* Wrath of the Faithful - Increases the damage by 10/20% and critical strike chance by 10/20% of your Holy Wrath spell.
* Grand Crusader - When your Shield of Righteousness and Hammer of Righteousness deal damage, they have a $h% chance of refreshing the cooldown on your next Crusader Strike and causing it to hit for $s2% additional damage.
* Shield of the Templar - Increases the critical strike chance of your Shield of Righteousness by 5/10%. In addition, your Shield of Righteousness critical strikes have a $h% chance of making your next Judgement a critical strike.


* Templar's Verdict - An instant weapon attack that causes a percentage of weapon damage. Consumes all applications of Holy Power to increase damage dealt:

1 Holy Power: 55% Weapon Damage
2 Holy Power: 125% Weapon Damage
3 Holy Power: 225% Weapon Damage

* Art of War - chance to trigger on all attacks, only benefits Exorcism.
* Improved Crusader Strike - increases damage by 15/30% and reduces cooldown by .5/1 sec.
* Rebuke - Interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for $d.
* Wrath of the Lightbringer - Increases the critical strike chance of your Holy Wrath ability by 25/50% and reduces the cooldown of your Avenging Wrath ability by $/1000;s2 sec.
* Zealotry - 31 point talent. Your Crusader Strike generates 3 stacks of Holy Power per strike for the next $d. Requires 3 stacks of Holy Power to use.






* Revealing Strike - Now learned at level 1.


* Venomous Wounds - Each time your Rupture or Garrote deals damage to an enemy that is afflicted with your poison, you have a 30/60% chance to deal 1 additional Nature damage and to regain 3/6 Energy.(Talent, ) Energy gain added.
* Venomous Vim - Each time your Rupture or Garrote deals damage to an enemy that is afflicted with your poison, you have a chance to regain Energy.(Instant cast, )
* Deadly Momentum - After killing an opponent that yields experience or honor, you have a 50% chance to increase the critical strike chance of your next attack by 40%, and to refresh your Slice and Dice and Recuperate abilities to their original duration.(Talent, ) (Two ranks, one is new and one is old)
* Deadened Nerves - Reduces all damage taken by 3/7/10%.(Talent, ) Up from 2/4/6%.


* Improved Lava Lash - Increases the damage of your Lava Lash ability by 15/30%, and by an additional 10/20% for each of your applications of Searing Flames on the target, consuming those applications in the process.(Talent, ) Up from 10/20% and 7/14%.
* Feral Spirit - Now earned at level 1.
* Earthquake - Now earned at level 1.
* Shamanistic Rage - Now earned at level 1.
* Ancestral Knowledge - Now Elemental, was Enhancement.




* Shadowflame - Targets in a cone in front of the caster take 519 Shadow damage and feared in horror while taking an additional 408 Fire damage over 6 sec.(25% Base Mana, Instant cast, 25 sec cooldown, ) Fear added, cooldown up from 15 seconds.
* Shadowburn - Only usable on enemies that have less than 20% health.
* Nether Protection - After being hit with a spell, you have a 10/20/30% chance to gain Nether Protection, reducing all damage by that spell school by 15% for 8 sec.(Talent, )
* Improved Soul Fire - You increase your spell haste by 7/15% for 15 sec after you Soul Fire a target at or above 80% health. This effect has a 30 sec cooldown.(Talent, )
* Emberstorm - Reduces the cast time of your Soul Fire by 0.5/1 sec and your Incinerate by 0.125/.25 sec.(Talent, )
* Destruction Warlock - No longer increases chance to hit. Down from 1/2 sec.
* Burning Embers - Your Soulfire and your Imp's Firebolt cause a Burning Ember damage-over-time effect on the target equal to 15/30% of the damage done lasting 7 sec. The damage done by your Burning Ember effect cannot exceed ${$SP*1.0+0}/${$SP*0.2+0} total damage.(Talent, )
* Bane - No longer reduces Soul Fire cast time.
* Backlash - Gives you a 13/26% chance when hit by a physical attack to reduce the cast time of your next Shadow Bolt or Incinerate spell by 100%. This effect lasts 8 sec and will not occur more than once every 8 seconds.(Talent, ) Up from 8/16%


* Pandemic - Now a talent.
* Jinx - Your Curse of the Elements also effects all nearby enemy targets within 20/40 yards of the cursed target, and your Curse of the Weakness also reduces the targets energy, rage, focus or runic power generation by 5/10% while active.(Talent, )
* Bane of Doom - Curses the target with impending doom, causing 2,213 Shadow damage every 3 sec. When Bane of Doom deals damage, it has a 25% chance to summon a Demon guardian. Only one Bane per Warlock can be active on any one target.(15% Base Mana, 1 min duration, Instant cast, 30 yd range, 1 min cooldown, Causes 3200 Shadow damage after 1 min., )
* Affliction Warlock - Reduces the global cooldown of your Bane, Curse and Corruption spells to 1 sec. Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting any spell by 70%.(Instant cast, ) Corruption added and chance to hit removed.


* Summon Infernal - Summons a meteor from the Twisting Nether, causing 200 Fire damage and stunning all enemy targets in the area for 2 sec. An Infernal rises from the crater, under the command of the caster for 1 min. The Infernal deals strong area of effect damage, and will be drawn to attack targets afflited by your Bane of Agony or Bane of Doom spells.(80% Base Mana, 45 sec duration, 1.5 sec cast, 30 yd range, 10 min cooldown, )
* Summon Doomguard - Summons a Doomguard to fight beside you for 45 sec. The Doomguard will assist you by attacking the target which is afflicted by your Bane of Doom or Bane of Agony spell, and will sometimes dispel harmful magic effects from you.(80% Base Mana, Instant cast, 10 min cooldown, )
* Nemesis - Reduces the cooldown of your Demonic Empowerment, Metamorphosis, and Fel Domination spells by 15/30%.(Talent, ) Up from 10/20%.
* Mana Feed - Now a talent.
* Impending Doom - Reduces the cooldown of the Bane of Doom damage effect by 5/10/15 sec., and you have a 5/10/15% chance when you Shadow Bolt, Hand of Gul'dan or Incinerate to reduce the cooldown of your Demon Form by 6 sec.(Talent, )
* Hellfire - Ignites the area surrounding the caster, causing 83 Fire damage to himelf/herself and 83 Fire damage to all nearby enemies every 1 sec. Lasts 15 sec.(64% Base Mana, 15 sec duration, Instant cast, Damages self and all nearby enemies., )
* Demonology Warlock - Increased chance to hit removed.
* Demonic Pact - Increases your spell damage by 2/4%, and your summoned demon grants the Demonic Pact effect to all nearby friendly party and raid members. The Demonic Pact effect increases spell power by 10%.(Talent, )
* Demon Leap - Min range removed?
* Dark Arts - Reduces the cast time of your Imp's Firebolt spell by .25/.5/.75 sec, increases the attack power bonus of your Felguard's Demonic Frenzy by 1/2/3% and increases the damage done by your Felguard's Shadow Bite by 5/10/15%.(Talent, )
* Cremation - Now a talent.
* Ancient Grimoire - Increases the duration of your Infernal and Doomguard summons by 10/20 sec.(Talent, ) UP from 6/12 sec.

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 1:35 pm ·


Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (37)



2010-Sep-10 1:36 pm


* Thunder Clap - Duration increased to 30 seconds, up from 10.
* Throwdown - Knocks the target to the ground and stuns it for 5 sec.(15 Rage, 5 sec duration, 5 yd range, 45 sec cooldown, Stunned., Talent, )
* Rend - Wounds the target causing them to bleed for 422 damage plus an additional ${0.2*6*((5WB+5wb)/2+$AP/14*5WS)} (based on weapon damage) over 15 sec.(10 Rage, 15 sec duration, Instant cast, 5 yd range, Bleeding for 5 plus a percentage of weapon damage every 3 seconds., ) Damage increase.


* Glyph of Shield Wall - Shield Wall now reduces damage taken by 40%, but increases its cooldown by 2 min.(5 sec cast, )
* Impending Victory - Using Shield Slam on a target with 20% or less health has a $h% chance to allow the use of Victory Rush but that Victory Rush only heals for 5% of your health.
* Thunderstruck - Your Thunder Clap leaves a crackling zone of energy on the ground for 5 sec, dealing $85640s1 damage every sec to enemies that cross it.


Check back on this post throughout the day as it will be edited as more information trickles in.

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 1:36 pm ·

Alexandria, VA

Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (39)

CpnObvious to Phantasee


2010-Sep-10 1:40 pm

to Phantasee

said by Phantasee:

Ah, that was from MMOChampion.

It's also possible that the talent pane mastery sumamries just hadn't been updated. For example, there was nothing in there about Beast Mastery getting pushback reduction. So yeah, some confusion here.

MMO-Champ generally is in the lead on beta stuff, but they also tend to post data-mined information that doesn't always turn out to be exactly correct. WoWhead is much slower to update, but tends to stick to the confirmed. The official forums update their beta batch notes *very* poorly; the "unoffical patch notes" thread on the beta forums is actually much better than the official notes thread.

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 1:40 pm ·

Premium Member
Imperial, MO

Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (41)

footballdude to Phantasee

Premium Member

2010-Sep-10 1:51 pm

to Phantasee

said by Phantasee:

* Bane of Doom - Curses the target with impending doom, causing 2,213 Shadow damage every 3 sec. When Bane of Doom deals damage, it has a 25% chance to summon a Demon guardian. Causes 3200 Shadow damage after 1 min.

If I read this correctly, it causes 47,460 damage over 60 seconds, plus summons an extra demon? Holy frijole!

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 1:51 pm ·

Hammond, LA

Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (43)



2010-Sep-10 2:10 pm

Some latest Ghostcrawler posts.


Ghostcrawler -- Can we have a GC for PvP?

I'm not a fan of the QQ. But PvP is too big an element of the game not to have occasional dev forum posts.

Here is the problem with that line of thinking:

But UI mods are too big an element of the game...
But tradeskills are too big an element of the game...
But world events are too big an element of the game...
But RP is too big an element of the game...
But twinking is too big an element of the game...
But lore is too big an element of the game...


Ghostcrawler -- Disregarding feedback in thinking things are terrible
The problem with arguments like this is you are vociferously claiming your dislike for something while disregarding the feedback of all the people who do like it. The healing changes were announced a long time ago, and there have been many discussions since then. It should be clear to you that there are a lot of healers who didn't enjoy the LK style of healing and are looking forward to more thinking and less spamming.


Ghostcrawler -- Healing and gearing in Cataclysm

What happened to the kinder/gentler damage vs. health model that we were promised in Cata? And presumably these are normal instances which shouldn't require the best possible lower level gear before entering an 85 instance. Are we expected to farm 83-84 instances before setting foot in 85 instances even on normal?

The normal dungeons require a little more crowd control than many LK players are typically used to, but they aren't intended to be brutal. You shouldn't need to farm a lot of gear before stepping into one. Keep in mind that feedback is going to be all over the place in a beta. Some players are heading into dungeons they know nothing about and getting frustrated when someone can't immediately explain the boss mechanics to them. Some just have no sense in investment since this isn't their "real" character (such irony). Some of the bosses are overtuned and some of the class abilities are undertuned at this stage. Because Uldum and Twilight don't have quest rewards yet, there are also some folks who are just really undergeared. Half your glyphs probably don't work. The new enchants aren't readily available. And so it goes. That sort of thing will all get ironed out over the next several weeks.

You shouldn't have huge mana problems in a normal dungeon. Your middle heal should get you through most of it just fine. You'll have to use more of your emergency heals in the heroics and raids, and you'll also be expected to gear up a little more for the heroics and raids. In Burning Crusade, players went and finished the Shadowmoon quest lines or got their reps to Exalted or maxed out their trade skills in order to have the best gear available for the heroics and raids. That is our model for Cataclysm.


· actions · 2010-Sep-10 2:10 pm ·


Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (44)



2010-Sep-10 2:12 pm

Lylirra -- Echo Isles and Gnomeregan FAQ
It's great to see that so many of you are excited about these events! The battles for Gnomeregan and Echo Isles are important turning points for both the Gnomeregan Exiles and Darkspear trolls, and we're glad that players across all races and realms have answered the call to arms issued by your esteemed faction leaders, Geblin Mekkatorque and Vol'jin.

Now, onto your questions:

Q. What are the minimum level requirements for the Operation: Gnomeregan and Zalazane's Fall quest lines?
A. Your character will need to be at least level 78 to participate in the final battle. All previous quests in each faction's chain, though, should be open to character's level 5 and up.

Q. What would happen if a player were to complete one faction's quest line (say, Operation: Gnomeregan) on a character, receive the Feat of Strength, and then purchase a faction change? Would that character be able to complete the other faction's quest line and receive double the rewards?
A. Yes and no. To continue with the example provided above, if a character were to complete all the quests associated with Operation: Gnomeregan on an Alliance character, receive the corresponding quest reward and Feat of Strength, and then purchase a faction change, the quest reward and Feat of Strength would translate to their Horde equivalents, but the quests would not. This means that the character would have the opportunity to play through all the quests associated with Zalazane's Fall, if he or she wishes, but would not receive an additional Feat of Strength or be able to own both faction's costume quest rewards * for doing so.

Faction changes affect characters in multiple ways, though, so be sure to review the full FAQ before getting started: » ··· le/28825

* Due to the fact that the costume quest reward will translate during a faction change, it's currently possible for a player to earn two of them. They'd both be same version of the item, though, and would share the same cooldown.

Q. Will these events be available forever?
A. Like other holiday events, Operation: Gnomeregan and Zalazane's Fall will only be available for a limited time, so it's best to complete the quest lines as soon as possible!

Q. Players are standing on top of key quest NPCs and I'm unable to reach them. What can I do?
A. If you're finding it difficult to click on a specific NPC, the best course of action is to enable name plates by pressing Ctrl-V or zoom in your character's camera all the way. This will give you a different in-game perspective and should allow you to click on the NPC's name plate or its model without other characters or their mounts completely blocking access: » ··· le/24589

If you feel that any players are intentionally attempting to detract from the experience of others, then you may wish to contact in-game support.

Q. Why are these events so short in duration?
A. Both Operation: Gnomeregan and Zalazane's Fall are intended to be fun in-game events that allow players to experience the continuation of the Gnomeregan Exile and Darkspear troll storylines, and we think each quest line achieves just that. As several gnomes would argue, just because something is "short" doesn't mean it's not worthwhile! Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (45)

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 2:12 pm ·

Tampa, FL

Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (47)

Beartrap8 to Phantasee


2010-Sep-10 2:35 pm

to Phantasee

said by Phantasee:

Double Rainbow - Perform a /gasp emote under the double rainbow in the Battle For Gilneas. LOLOL!

I, for one, welcome our new double rainbow overlords!

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 2:35 pm ·

Hammond, LA

Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (49)



2010-Sep-10 2:40 pm

Sorry if I am posting reposts, just trying to give you guys/gals something to look at behind the man's firewall.

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 2:40 pm ·


Babyduck to Phantasee


2010-Sep-10 2:48 pm

to Phantasee

Is there anyway you could post the concept art for the tier 11 sets that was talked about in the other thread.

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 2:48 pm ·

Texan and Proud
Premium Member
Baytown, TX

Interwebz Requests - World of Warcraft (52)


Premium Member

2010-Sep-10 2:52 pm

MMO-champ had the hunter and warrior tier 11 pics

· actions · 2010-Sep-10 2:52 pm ·

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