Cucumber Kimchi Recipe | (2024)

Sharing today an easy recipe for Cucumber Kimchi. Spicy vegan Kimchi with amazing Korean chili, gochugaru, flavor. You will be surprised how easy it is to make Cucumber Kimchi at home.

It is quick Cucumber Kimchi recipe which means there is no fermentation time. I use a simple Korean seasoning that make quick kimchi flavorful like fermented.

I highly recommend trying this recipe specially if you like kimchi and always keep a jar of kimchi in refrigerator like I do.

With this recipe I’m introducing two Korean chili condiments which are essentials flavors in kimchi. (read on to know more)

Cucumber Kimchi Recipe | (1)

Cucumber Kimchi

Cucumber Kimchi is a Korean dish of seasoned cucumber flavored with Korean chili flakes, sesame oil, garlic, and onion. It is called Oi Muchim Or Oi Kimchi. "Oi" means cucumber and "Muchim" means seasoned.

Traditionally Kimchi is fermented in salt and spices. Fermentation gives cucumber signature acidic flavor which is the source of tang in Kimchi.

I'm sharing a quick Cucumber Kimchi recipe today. It is not fermented. But has similar fermented Kimchi flavor. To add the fermented chili flavor in Cucumber Kimchi, I use a fermented Korean chili paste called Gochujang. You will be surprised how a little bit Gochujang makes all the difference to make homemade Cucumber Kimchi extra delicious.

When I started making Cucumber Kimchi at home, I tried at-least 5 batches of Cucumber Kimchi before my husband (not Korean but a Kimchi Enthusiast) finally approved my recipe. :) So, I can assure you that this is the best homemade cucumber kimchi recipe. A must try!

Cucumber Kimchi Recipe | (2)

What Do You Need to Make Cucumber Kimchi?

For homemade Cucumber Kimchi you will need two special Korean ingredients i.e. Gochugaru and Gochujang.

Gochugaru is Korean Chili Flakes that are bright roasted chili flakes with distinct fruity flavor. Gochugaru is mild to medium spicy and vegan. You can use this like smoked sweet paprika to flavor stews or soups, or sprinkle on pasta, pizza, or salad for lite fruity heat.

Gochujang is spicy and fermented Korean Chili Paste. I use Gochujang chili paste to give Kimchi the delicious fermented flavor without waiting for fermentation.

Gochujang a delicious condiment.Think about it like a spicy ketchup. It makes a great tasty addition to marinades. The brand I used is vegan which gives me option to make vegan Cucumber Kimchi. I highly recommend trying it once.

Here is a complete list of ingredients to make Cucumber Kimchi:

Cucumber Kimchi Recipe | (3)

  1. Cucumber
  2. Onion
  3. Garlic
  4. Gochugaru, chili flakes
  5. Gochujang, chili paste (or use sambal chili paste for heat. If you prefer vegan. Make sure to look for vegan chili paste.)
  6. Sesame Oil (preferably toasted sesame oil)
  7. Soy Sauce
  8. Sugar

How To make Cucumber Kimchi?

Making Cucumber Kimchi is very easy. Once you have all the ingredients, it takes couple of minutes to assemble.

When making Cucumber Kimchi to serve right away, I slice cucumbers and onions, add to a bowl with all remaining ingredients i.e. chili flakes, sesame oil, minced garlic, soy sauce, chili paste and sugar. Mix and chill for 20 minutes. Serve.

That's it. Cucumber Kimchi is that quick and easy to make!

Tip: Fresh made Cucumber Kimchi is like a spicy crunchy Cucumber Salad. Serve as a side with BBQ!

Cucumber Kimchi Recipe | (4)

Cucumber Kimchi Recipe | (5)

Note: It is important to let kimchi sit for 20-30 minutes before serving. This gives ingredients such as garlic and onion to release their juices and add more flavor to the kimchi.

Cucumber Kimchi Recipe | (6)

Make Ahead Kimchi:

Cucumber is 50% water. This water drains out when cut cucumber comes in contact with salt or sugar.So to keep Cucumber Kimchi longer, it is very important to salt-cure the cucumber. That is make cucumber sweat water, then make kimchi. This does not remove all water of cucumber but Kimchi will be less watery when sitting for few days in refrigerator.

To make ahead Kimchi, spice and sprinkle 1/2 tbsp salt on slices of cucumber. Cover both sides. Set aside to sweat for at-least 20 minutes. After 20 minutes transfer to a colander, rinse in the water, shake off the access water. Pat dry as much as possible using clean kitchen towel. Next, continue with making Kimchi.

Cucumber Kimchi Recipe | (7)

How To Serve Cucumber Kimchi?

Serve Kimchi on the side of grilled meat or with your favorite rice bowl. I also love Cucumber Kimchi sandwiched in a burger or a hearty sandwich. It makes a great fresh spicy topping for baked out-of-the-oven pizza. (yum!)

Friends,try this different way to eat cucumber this summer. This Cucumber Kimchi is the perfect summer dish when served chilled right from the refrigerator.

On your next grocery trip, buy cucumber, Gochujang and Gochugaru to try this homemade Cucumber Kimchi! A jar of Gochugaru and Gochujang will make at-least 10-12 batches of Cucumber Kimchi. One jar = One Cucumber Season. A good cost-effective investment to try a spicy homemade condiment. Happy Kimchi eating. ;)

Cucumber Kimchi Recipe | (2024)


Is cucumber kimchi good for you? ›

Research supports this notion, suggesting that eating probiotic foods such as kimchi may help restore a balance between healthy and unhealthy bacteria in the gut. This may result in lower inflammation and a reduced risk for certain chronic diseases.

How long can you keep cucumber kimchi? ›

The recipe I offer you today is easy, fun to make, and tasty to eat right away, though for the best health benefits it can be fermented for up two days, then stored in the fridge for up to 6 months. This kimchi can be made with summer squash or zucchini as well.

What do you eat cucumber kimchi with? ›

My favorite way to eat this kind of cucumber kimchi is as part of an assortment of banchan, with fresh steamed white rice. But it also slays alongside a katsu or schnitzel or fried chicken or other breaded and fried meat. Or eat it anywhere/anytime you would enjoy a crisp dill pickle spear.

Why is homemade kimchi better? ›

The flavors are uncomparable and the store bought stuff always has chemicals (mainly preservatives) and artificial flavors. Making Kimchi requires a lot of love and effort (not to mention resources), but it is well worth it. Also, watching your kimchi coming to life after fermentation almost feels like a magic.

Is it OK to eat kimchi everyday? ›

Cabbage and radish kimchi, a popular fermented vegetable dish, in particular were effective in reducing the risk of obesity and abdominal obesity in both men and women.

Can eating kimchi everyday destroy gut bacteria? ›

Along with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, kimchi contains natural probiotic bacteria. If you eat them regularly, the probiotics in fermented foods can be beneficial to your gut microbiome. Studies suggest that eating kimchi on a daily basis could help to improve some digestive problems.

Why is my cucumber kimchi bitter? ›

Lack of Fermentation

Freshly made Kimchi usually have a slight bitter aftertaste when compared to fermented packed ones sold in Supermarkets. This is because JIN Kimchi is made fresh daily and it's so fresh it has not had enough time to ferment.

What makes kimchi go bad? ›

Yes, kimchi can go "bad" in the usual ways, like if it is contaminated and grows mold. But "bad" can come down to a matter of preference. If you no longer enjoy the way your kimchi smells or tastes, toss it and buy more or make your own.

What does kimchi do for your body? ›

Because it's a fermented food, it boasts numerous probiotics. These healthy microorganisms may give kimchi several health benefits. It may help regulate your immune system, promote weight loss, fight inflammation, and even slow the aging process. If you enjoy cooking, you can even make kimchi at home.

Does cucumber kimchi need to be refrigerated? ›

Up to one week in the fridge. Store leftover kimchi in an airtight container or jar in the refrigerator. This dish is best served chilled after marinating overnight for a well-rounded balanced flavor. Because it stores well for a full week, it's a great option to make in larger batches so it's ready ahead of time.

Is cucumber kimchi probiotic? ›

Kimchi is a traditional Korean fermented vegetable dish made with napa cabbage, Korean radish, scallions, garlic, ginger, and gochugaru (Korean chili powder). It is a good source of probiotics, vitamins, and minerals, and has been shown to have a number of health benefits.

Should kimchi be crunchy? ›

Kimchi is usually crunchy but depending on the vegetable it could be otherwise. But it'll still be flavorful from all the ginger, garlic and scallions, salty from the fish sauce, and tangy from the sugar that turns into lactic acid in the process,” Yamash*ta says. “Kimchi gets more and more tangy as it ferments.”

Why is kimchi so expensive? ›

The rise in the price of the main ingredient for kimchi is also pushing up the price of packaged kimchi, at a time when more people find it economical to buy the ready-to-eat product than make the Korean staple at home. Thanks to such high demand, packaged kimchi is sold out on many online e-commerce platforms.

What is the most important ingredient in kimchi? ›

In general, kimchi is made using Chinese leaves (Napa cabbage) or radish as the primary ingredient, with red chilli pepper powder, garlic and spring onions used as supplementary ingredients.

Is it cheaper to make my own kimchi? ›

Why make your own sauerkraut/kimchi? There are so many reasons! COST: making your own fermented veggies is WAY cheaper than buying them at the store! FLEXIBLE FLAVORS AND SALT LEVEL: making your own fermented veggies allows you to put whatever ingredients, flavors, level of salt or hot pepper that you want.

Is cucumber kimchi a probiotic? ›

They're full of probiotic goodness and beneficial bacteria that help keep your gut healthy and your digestion running smoothly.

What does kimchi do to your body? ›

Because it's a fermented food, it boasts numerous probiotics. These healthy microorganisms may give kimchi several health benefits. It may help regulate your immune system, promote weight loss, fight inflammation, and even slow the aging process. If you enjoy cooking, you can even make kimchi at home.

What is the healthiest food kimchi? ›

Kimchi is high in fiber and low in fat, perfect for people who want to stay lean and in the pink. It breeds healthy bacteria called lactobacilli that aid quick digestion and thwart yeast infections.

What are the pros and cons of kimchi? ›

Due to the probiotics, vitamins, and minerals it contains, it may provide some health benefits. However, if a person incorrectly prepares or stores kimchi, it may contain harmful bacteria that can make people ill. Although people can make kimchi at home, it is often readily available in many grocery stores.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.